Air conditioning has become an essential part of our homes in the last several decades. According to, about 6% of all electricity used in the U.S. is used to power air conditioners. Having the AC give out during the hot summer months can be both annoying and dangerous for some people who may have frail health. It's good to stay ahead of any AC problems by knowing the signs of a failing system that needs to be replaced. Keep reading to learn the signs you should look for.
A system that is failing will start to make excessive or strange noises. This may sound like banging, screeching, or other noises. These types of noises often indicate loose belts, rattling pipes, or other damage in the system. It could even mean that the motor is failing and needs immediate attention.
An AC unit might also start to produce strange smells. You might notice a musty or moldy smell when you turn it on. This could indicate that bacteria or fungus has started growing in the system somewhere. This is a dangerous situation as the bacteria or fungus could then spread to you and your family. Even your pets could get sick from this. You need to have your unit inspected as soon as possible. It may only need to be cleaned out or it might need to be replaced altogether.
Another sign that an AC is giving out would be if it started performing poorly. This could manifest as slow to turn on, slow to cool, and slow to turn off when not needed. You need HVAC service techs to come out and look at your system.
You should also keep an eye on the outdoor condenser coils. If these become frozen, you may have a refrigerant leak or other issue in your AC. A blocked coil can also cause the compressor to overheat. If this happens, the compressor will soon burn out. It's important that you deal with frozen coil issues quickly.
These are just a few signs that you need to have your HVAC checked out or replaced. If you're looking for
HVAC service professionals, please call North Star Heating & Air Conditioning Inc today.
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